Stichting De Varkensschuur

For the period up to and including November 1, 2023, we have chosen to donate to stichting De Varkensschuur. This is a small-scale shelter in a homely and loving way in which animals are cared for. They are committed to those who have had little luck: dumped, wandering, lost, used in factory farming; they help the animals to leave this past behind and to face a bright future. We have met CrowBunny with deep respect for this and can only applaud this. We hope to be able to raise a nice amount this year to help this foundation!

About stichting De Varkensschuur

The shelter is located in a place where there used to be a pig barn with 1000 pigs destined for the meat industry. A few years ago this stable was demolished and a few years later the foundation came here.

Stichting de Varkensschuur wants to give a new meaning and meaning to 'de Varkensschuur'. A place where animals can live in peace and quiet and be themselves. A place where they can grow old and where they are seen as an individual. But also a place where we reflect on the animals that have never known this happiness and where we want to contribute to its visibility. A place in honor of all these animals.

The shelter is designed with a view to nature, sustainability and biodiversity. The animals are kept and cared for according to their individual and social needs. No animal is killed, sold or rented. There is no breeding with the animals, with the only exception that an animal is taken in that is already pregnant. Medical care is provided when needed. The animals do not fulfill a function and nothing is expected of them, the shelter is all about their well-being. The residents usually come from distressing circumstances and human contact is therefore not expected of them. Visitors are asked to respect this and only make contact with the animals when they initiate it.

We were able to transfer a total of 535 euros to the De Varkensschuur foundation at the end of this donation period.